In a world where supply chains can be disrupted overnight and geopolitics play havoc in what seemed to be well established processes, a sustainable contracting and procurement strategy is key to managing risk and ensuring project success.

BRIDGE© can guide you through the full supply chain lifecycle, to provide your organization with increased agility and resilience.

We can support you at every stage of developing a strategy that reflects your vision and sustainability paradigm.

Regardless of where you sit in the project execution team, working with the Owner, the Prime Contractor, or any one of the subcontractors, equipment manufacturers or service providers, you need to understand how the global execution plan will be integrated into your specific scope . We can help you highlight your commitment to excellence building a transparent and trustworthy supply chain that will stand up to scrutiny.

Our Supply Chain services include:

  • Clear identification of project procurement strategy
  • Identifying risks and mitigation actions of the supply chain
  • Supporting procurement staff
  • Defining where and how sustainability principles need to be applied
  • Identifying contracting strategies integrating different levels of workforce (local, international, indigenous)
  • Capacity building and training
  • Crisis management
  • Working and negotiating with unionized workforce
  • Audit and due diligence of contracts
  • Building and tracking systems for successful project delivery (R.A.C.I. matrix)

Contact Us to streamline and improve your company’s contracting and procurement processes.