A contracting and procurement strategy is core to the successful execution of any project. A sustainable contracting procurement strategy has become the new norm and core to maintaining your credibility and youR reputation. Whether you are working on a private or a public project, or in operations, BRIDGE © can provide you with the guidelines for the whole procurement lifecycle and make sure to provide your organization with a competitive edge.
From the identification of the need, through supplier identification, negotiation, inspection, expediting and logistics, the whole process needs to properly reflect the rules of sustainability. BRIDGE © will help with what may seem as a paradigm shift and support your teams in setting up the required systems and processes that reflect your vision, as well as your CSR plan.
Regardless of where you sit in the project execution team, working with the Owner, the Prime Contractor, or any one of the subcontractors, equipment manufacturers or service providers, you need to understand how the global execution plan will be integrated into your particular individual scope. BRIDGE © will help you highlight your commitment to excellence building a transparent and trustworthy supply chain that will stand up to scrutiny.
BRIDGE © will take the time upfront with you and your team to determine what your real business needs are vs the “wants”, so that the solutions are designed accordingly to make cost sense for today and the future. BRIDGE © will help you understand the market place and its view of you as the consumer, to better determine the “right procurement strategy” that is also the optimal solution.
BRIDGE © will take the time upfront with you and your team to determine what your real business needs are vs the “wants”, so that the solutions are designed accordingly to make cost sense for today and the future. BRIDGE © will help you understand the market place and its view of you as the consumer, to better determine the “right procurement strategy” that is also the optimal solution.
BRIDGE © will help you make the connections, and ensure that these elements are included early on in the planning phase. This in turn will ensure that your costs and schedules will accurately and realistically reflect the execution of your work.
BRIDGE © Contracting and Procurement services include:
- Clear identification of project procurement strategy
- Identifying risks and mitigation actions of the supply chain
- Supporting procurement staff
- Defining where and how sustainability principles need to be applied
- Identifying contracting strategies integrating different levels of workforce (local, international, indigenous)
- Training in the various areas of the “Procurement” and “Supply Chain”
- Capacity building and training for different skillsets on site
- Crisis management
- Working and negotiating with unionized workforce
- Audit and due diligence of contracts
- Building and tracking systems for successful project delivery (R.A.C.I. matrix)